Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
" العالقة بين مصادر معلومات أولياء األمور حول رعاية واحتياجات أطفالهم المصابين بمتالزمة داون وانعكاسها على نوعية حياة ذلك الطفل "
Subject : Faculty of medicine 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Background: Variance in the quality of life (QoL) of children with Down syndrome (DS) and in parental acceptance of information provided by genetic counselors was observed. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between parents’ information sources about the care and needs of their child with DS and that child’s QoL Method: An online questionnaire was distributed to 112 families of children with DS in Saudi Arabia. KIDSCREEN-27 Arabic version was also used to measure QoL, that include; physical well-being domain, psychological well-being domain, autonomy and parent relation domain, social well-being and peers domain and school and learning environment domain, along with questions about parental information sources and their belief in these sources. The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) software was used for statistical analysis of descriptive statistics. Results: The study found a statistically significant effect of the type of information source that their parents used and the QoL of children with DS; the resulting QoL of the children ranged from good to very good. Generally, phone calls with experts (Hotline) and experience of other parents that have children with DS had most influence on reported QoL, while the least influential source was the psychological clinic. The level of parental trust in information sources varies, showing no correlation with a positive effect on the reported QoL of children with DS. Only some of the tested demographic variables (parental age, parental education level, nationality , income level, relation to child and child’s gender) significantly influenced certain aspects of the DS children’s QoL: parental age significantly influenced the psychological well-being domain, parental education level significantly influenced the DS child’s social well-being and peers domain, family income level significantly influenced all QoL domains, except for the social well-being and peers domain, relation to child significantly influenced the DS child’s social well-being and peers domain, the child’s gender significantly influenced the school environment domain, and there is no significant differences in QoL of children with DS that are attributed to their nationality in all domains . 
Supervisor : Prof. Jumana Al-Aama 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1443 AH
2022 AD
Co-Supervisor : Dr. Nuha Alrayes 
Added Date : Saturday, March 19, 2022 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عمر ياسين الغبيشيAlghubayshi, Omar YaseenResearcherMaster 


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