Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
ثنائية المكان الأليف وغير الأليف في شعر عبدالله الزيد :دراسة نقدية.
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The study aims to identify the most important representations of the place in the dual Intimate and Un-intimate through the work of the poet Abdullah Al-Zaid, and to clarify the nature of the relationship and interaction between the poet and the place, and show the extent of the influence of the pet and Un-intimate in the manufacture of poetic significance, and reveal the value of the place in its various connotations on the human self and in Exactly the same poet, by revealing and analyzing the different binaries guiding its semantic path. The study relies on the descriptive analytical approach, as it is a critical study based on monitoring, describing and analyzing spatial binaries in the poetic works of the poet Abdullah Al-Zaid, and exploring its semantic aspects, through the use of theoretical concepts of Gaston Bachelard and Uri Lutman on the place, to show the nature of the relationship and the existing interaction Between a person - and a poet in particular - and a place. This study concluded to explain the relationship of the poet Abdullah Al-Zaid with the unearthed and the unearthed place, as the unearthed place had a presence and intensity in his poetry that prevailed over the unearthed place. The closed places in Al-Zaid’s poetry also take the biggest part in highlighting the relationship of intimacy between it and the place, as its presence is characterized by high intensity, and intense feelings of intimacy are concentrated in it or not more than other forms of the place. The research recommends paying attention to the profound semantic aspects that the place holds, and paying attention to that relationship between man and the place that is built and rooted since childhood in the human subconscious, and on the basis of which feelings of intimacy or lack thereof are formed. 
Supervisor : Dr. Ashgan Mohammad Hindi 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1441 AH
2020 AD
Added Date : Friday, June 26, 2020 


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ريما بنت عبدالعزيز السويلمAL-SWAILEM, REEMA ABDULAZIZResearcherMaster 


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