Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Guide of Interpretations by transmission and by knowledge Full interpretation of Al-Fateha Chapter and Al-Baqara Chapter (Verse 1 – Verse 25)
جامع التفاسير رواية ودراية جمع ودراسة سورة الفاتحة كاملة وسورة البقرة من الآية رقم ( 1 ) إلى الآية رقم ( 25 )
Subject : Guide of Interpretations by transmission and by knowledge Full interpretation of Al-Fateha Chapter and Al-Baqara Chapter (Verse 1 – Verse 25) 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This thesis focuses on the interpretation of Al-Fateha Chapter and twenty five verses of Al-Baqara Chapter using two well-known interpretation methods Interpretation by transmission.Interpretation by knowledge.The interpretation by transmission focused on the following: names of both chapters, Al-Fateha and Al-Baqara, number of words and verses of both chapters, whether both chapters were revealed in Makkah or Madina, their virtues, why they were revealed, using Quranic verses to interpret the verses of both chapters (this method is called interpreting Holy Quran Chapters by using verses from Quranic Chapters), using Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and what his companions and followers said to interpret Quranic verses (this is called interpretation by transmission), explaining different readings of some verses and Islamic jurisprudence rulings derived from some verses of both chapters. The interpretation by knowledge focused on: similarity between both chapters and their verses, purposes of both chapters, linguistic and grammatical explanation of words and verses, deriving some rhetoric styles from some verses, different deductions from verses and interpretation of different verses together. This study has relied on many Quranic interpretation books and cited them in chronological order from the oldest to the most modern. It also mentioned different sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the degree of their authenticity and showed differences between them. The study included biographies of scholars mentioned and it concluded with the most important results in addition to appendices and lists of Quranic verses, Prophet’s sayings and names of scholars. The study achieved the following objectives: identify the sources of interpretation and the methods used by Quranic interpretation scholars; learn how to criticize a method of interpretation; exert efforts to publish a Quranic interpretation encyclopedia that is reliable; benefit from other fields of knowledge such as syntax, rhetoric etc. 
Supervisor : عادل محمد صالح أبو العلا 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1434 AH
2013 AD
Number Of Pages : 7 
Added Date : Sunday, July 28, 2019 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
طارق محمد عليAli, Tariq MuhammadInvestigatorMaster 


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