Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Arabic Folklore in the Light of Albert Lord and the Orality Theory “A study On the sira of Saif bin Dhi Yazan”
السيرة الشعبية في ضوء نظرية التأليف الشفهي لألبرت لورد سيرة( سيف بن ذي يزن نموذجا)
Subject : Arabic Folklore in the Light of Albert Lord and the Orality Theory “A study On the sira of Saif bin Dhi Yazan” 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This thesis studies “Sirat Saif bin Dhi Yazin” that is a famous literary biography reflecting the orally recited tales of Arabs. The idea behind this study stems from Albert Lord's theory on oral literature. It is a theory that assumes that there are distinctive characteristics for oral literature worldwide. Those characteristics can be observed through similar patterns of thinking and oral expressions. This thesis has established a criteria to gather and analyze texts with repetitive nature using the following method: Introducing the repeated phrases, classifying them, and finally analyzing them. This produced many results, most importantly: That this oral literature relies on Formulas that represent a whole structure. A formula in oral tradition equals a word in written form. Repetition in its many meanings can be linked to the narrator in a very direct way, determining the frame of every given Formula. This biography includes a big structure that celebrates repetition. Repetition is portrayed in many ways in this biography, starting with the repetition of the formulas and rhyme, the repetition of constant acts by characters, and the full descriptive scenes using repeated words in the same manor, or repeating the same elements when coming across similar descriptive situations. Repetition performs important roles, especially with its ramified nature. One of which unify and combine all narrative structures. It also helps escalate events and develop them. The narrator doesn't rely on memorizing, or word for word narration, but learns how to narrate through his formulas using previous techniques on the one hand and the need of the audience on the other hand. The outcome of my theses could become a method for studying Orality in literature as it shows the complicated processes happening in the narrators mind and the mechanism of generating it. Moreover the similarity between this literary piece and universal folklore may assist in the process of mapping the universality of Arabic Folklore epics. 
Supervisor : Dr.Dalal Bakhsh 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1437 AH
2016 AD
Number Of Pages : 211 
Added Date : Sunday, July 28, 2019 


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نهى عيسى محتسبMohtsib, Noha EssiaResearcherMaster 


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