Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Jurisprudence of the Quranic verses of Rules from lmam Nawawi's al-Majmu' surat Al-Ma'idah [Verse 6] collection and study
فقه آيات الأحكام من كتاب "المجموع" للإمام النووي [ت: 676هـ] الآية (6) من سورة "المائدة" جمعاً ودراسة
Subject : Faculty of Arts & Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This thesis is part of the project about the verses on rulings from the Book (Al-Majmoue by Imam An-Nawawi - may Allah have mercy on him – a compilation and study endeavour. In it, I have studied verse (6) of Chapter ‘Al-Maaedah’ (The Table). The thesis includes: An Introduction, three Topics and a Conclusion. Topic One: I have assigned it to introducing the verses on rulings and the meaning of the jurisprudential exegesis and the literature written about that. Topic Two: In which I have introduced Imam Nawawi and his book (Al-Majmoue). As for Topic Three, I have dedicated it to studying verse (6) of Chapter Al-Maaedah, which contains 30 questions concerning purification. The study was a jurisprudential comparative one among the four schools of jurisprudence with documenting their statements from their approved books. From this study,I have reached a number of conclusions,the most important of which are: - The originality of the jurisprudential exegesis (explanation) as it is not the outcome of recent generations; rather, it had existed since the Prophet’s time when he (PBUH) used to explain to his companions the jurisprudential aspects of the verses. - An-Nawawi’s book (Al-Majmoue) is not only considered a book on the Shafei school of jurisprudence, it is also a compilation book of comparative jurisprudence in addition to a number of sciences, such as the science of Hadith, the science of Men, and the science of linguistics, as shown in what the verse contains of purification’s rules that reflect Allah’s mercy upon His servants and the Islamic Sharia’s (Law) consideration of the purpose of alleviating difficulties for them. It also appears that one of the major causes of disagreement in the jurisprudential rules is the ostensible conflict between the hadiths narrated from the Prophet and the jurists’ differences over the fundamental rules. Among the prominent recommendations are: To take care of Imam Nawawi’s books in general, and his book (Al-Majmoue) in particular- To direct educators towards linking the young generation to the verses on rulings when explaining the Islamic legal rules so that due veneration is instilled into their minds regarding the jurisprudential judgements - To divert the attention to the necessity of returning to the Book of Allah in all life’s affairs. 
Supervisor : Dr. Fatemah Al jelse 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1439 AH
2017 AD
Added Date : Monday, October 23, 2017 


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ندى خالد السقافAl saggaf, Nada KhaledResearcherMaster 


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