Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Dimensions of Ideological Marginalization in the Novels of Fawwaz Haddaad
أبعاد التهميش الآيديولوجي في روايات فواز حداد
Subject : Faculty of Arts - Department of Arabic Language 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The study addresses the dimensions of the ideological marginalization in the novels written by the Syrian Fawwaz Haddaad, and the observation of the conflict between a center that is represented by the acting forces and the marginalized counter forces, over various time periods. The study aims to analyze the ideological conflicts and to determine the dimensions of the ideological marginalization within those conflicts through studying Haddaad's artistic techniques, analysis of the novelistic characters, and the contribution of all of that to discovering Haddaad's intellectual vision . The study relies on analysis via the descriptive methodology in observing and analyzing the dimensions of the phenomena that are pertinent to ideological marginalization, and in classifying and describing the ideological phenomena. It then correlates them to their historical contexts in order to understand the social reality in Syria based on a sample of the selected novels. The sample of the study included all Haddaad's novels between 1991 and 2011, counting 11 novels, which address the time period beginning in 1939 up to the contemporary Ba'th party’s rule. The novels were classified into three phenomena in different periods of time as follows: ideology of colonialism, ideology of the military regime rule, and ideology of the Ba'th party rule. The study makes several conclusions. The most important conclusions are: the multitude of the ideological marginalization dimensions are in accordance with the variety of the ideological phenomena Haddaad's novels addresses, there is variety in the artistic techniques of Haddaad, and a range of character voices representing different ideologies. All these conclusions reflect Haddaad's intellectual vision. This study recommends a more critical focus on Haddaad's novels, which should address their techniques and themes, and analyze the relation between ideological change and the change in the structure of novelistic form in Haddaad's novels. 
Supervisor : Prof. Abdulrahman Alwahhabi 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1435 AH
2016 AD
Added Date : Monday, June 15, 2015 


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ندى عبد الدائم الهتاريAl-Hattari, Nada AbduldayemResearcherMaster 


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