Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Evaluation of Divine Proportion Ratio as a Method for Registration of Rest vertical Dimension Using Statistical Analysis in Completely Edentulous Patients
Evaluation of Divine Proportion Ratio as a Method for Registration of Rest vertical Dimension Using Statistical Analysis in Completely Edentulous Patients
Document Language : English 
Abstract : The recording of jaw relations in the treatment of edentulous patients aims at facilitating the adaptation of the complete dentures to the masticatory system to give an optimal and comfortable function. To achieve this goal, the recording must include an appropriate vertical dimension of occlusion and stable occlusal contacts in harmony with the TMJ, masticatory muscle functions and finally with the relationship between the prosthesis and the oral and the facial musculature.1,2 Innumerable patients can not wear complete dentures then have continual difficulty in using them, principally because accurate vertical dimension of the natural dentition was not reproduced in complete dentures. Vertical dimension is in reality the most fundamental consideration in treatment planning. It is related, to the masticatory, respiratory and deglutitive function.3,4 Occasionally a patient with complete dentures will display an obviously reduced vertical dimension of occlusion. When faced with the challenge of making new dentures in this situation, it is desirable for the dentist to reestablish the patient's optimum vertical dimension of occlusion.5 As if the vertical dimension was too great the patient will complain of soreness of the residual ridges, tightness of the facial muscles and clicking of the dentures during speech, also it induces an increased rate of resorption of the remaining alveolar bone.4,6,7 The necessity of a correct vertical dimension for the health of the temperomandibular joint is considered as basic knowledge. The profession still remembers "Costen's syndrome" and ear and facial pains caused by closed vertical dimensions.8 Facial height, or vertical dimension, consists of two components: (1) the more objective VDO, which is the shortest measure of facial height involving centric occlusion contacts; and (2) a more subjective measure of facial height termed rest position without tooth contact.9 Neuromuscular posturing of the mandible establishes this slightly greater measure of facial proportion 
ISSN : 20702-473x 
Journal Name : smile dental lournal 
Volume : 7 
Issue Number : 1 
Publishing Year : 1433 AH
2012 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Saturday, March 23, 2013 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ايمان الرفةAlrfah, Eman ResearcherDoctorate 


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