Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
For Ibn Dhafr AL SaqqliDied in (565 AH)(Exegesis of Surat AL A'raff (The Heights))
كتاب ينبوع الحياة في تفسير القرآن الكريم لابن ظفر الصقلي – المتوفى (565هـ) ( تفسير سورة الأعراف - دراسة وتحقيق)
Subject : College of Education Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This research is dedicated to verify the text of "Life Headspring" in Dignified Qura'n Exegesis Book for Ibn Dhafr AL Saqqli (565 H). The research is composed of a preface, two chapters, epilogue and indexes. The preface contains the research speech , the subject's importance, reasons for choosing it, the previous studies, my research methodology then the research plan. The first chapter is the core of the study; it is divided into divisions the first of which: talks about the author of " Life Headspring" , his age, translation, his scientific status , however, the second is about " Life Headspring" Book , it includes a verification for the book name, authentication of attributing it to its author, the authors methodology in writing the book, its resources, scientific status and describing the certified copy in verification. The second Chapter: Verification Chapter; it includes a verification for Exegesis of Surat AL A'raff (The Heights) from "Life Headspring script, this chapter is the core of the study. Then comes the epilogue to indicate the most important results that I came to together with some recommendations like: 1- It is the only document that gives us a clear vision about Ibn Dhafr as an interpreter until now. 2- His exegesis includes the handed down exegesis , so, he mentioned it a lot and gave it the priority 3- His utmost concern of readings as he makes his exegesis for every chapter by mentioning its methods of reading 4- This Exegesis includes the Prophetic Hadiths that are frequently mentioned in every chapter (Surat) 5- His utmost concern of language as he mentions vocabularies meanings and usages and presents the evidence of scientists opinions and poetry evidences 6- His book presents many Qura'an Sciences like; Reasons of Revelation, abrogation, Makki and Madani. 7- His utmost care of rules verses, presenting the apprehended rules with evidences and the scientists opinions in it. 8- His exegesis includes many of interpreters' considering. 9- His exegesis includes many of benefits and examples spread all over his exegesis and that are extracted from Qura'anic Verses 10- The author mentioned a lot of Israeli narrations as the case is in many exegesis books. 
Supervisor : prof. 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Added Date : Saturday, July 3, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
سامية عبد الحميد الجحدليALjahdali, Samia Abdul HamidResearcherDoctorate 


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